S ections
Origins and insertions of the musctes of the hand
M brachioradiaiis
M flexor digitorum superficialis
M flexor digitorum profundus
Mm interossei palmares
2' 3’ 4' 5' M flexor digitorum profundus,
M. flexor carpi radialis
M flexor pollicis brevis,
Caput profundum
M opponens pollicis
M flexor carpi radialis
M abductor pollicis brevis
M. flexor carpi ulnaris
M. abductor digiti minimi
M opponens digiti minimi
M. flexor digiti minimi brevis
M. flexor carpi ulnaris
M. extensor carpi ulnaris
M flexor pollicis longus
2 3 4 5 M flexor digitorum superficialis,
M adductor pollicis,
Caput transversum
M. opponens digiti minimi
Mm interossei dorsales
M abductor digiti minimi
M flexor pollicis longus
M flexor digiti minimi brevis
M flexor pollicis brevis,
Caput profundum
M abductor pollicis brevis
M adductor pollicis,
Caput obliquum
Fig. 372
Origins and insertions of the muscles of the hand
at the bones of the hand.
* The flexors insert at the second to fifth digit
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